Are you currently exercising (regular walks qualify)?*
Do you wake feeling rested?*
Do you fall asleep easily at bedtime?*
Do you feel you need a nap to function throughout the day?*
Do you feel energized after a meal or does eating a meal make you feel sleepy/low energy?*
Do you have frequent headaches?*
Is losing weight a goal/priority to you?*
Do you crave specific foods or crave sugar?*
Do you experience any regular muscle cramping, weakness, or lightheadedness?*
Do you have any regular indigestion/acid reflux?*
Well formed or loose?*
Easy to pass or difficult?*
Any regular joint pains?*
Do you get sick easily?*
Do you have seasonal allergies?*
Female Clients Only:
Do you currently have a monthly cycle?
Do you struggle with any PMS symptoms?